Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Greenpeace's Airplot microsite

I just received a brilliant email from Greenpeace updating me on the latest developments around the plot of land they bought near Heathrow.

I signed up to be their beneficiary owner.
I received couple of emails. So it looked like beneficiary owner=signup tp Greenpeace's email.

But now they launched this brilliant website

The reason I like it is because it uses the online tools really well:
1) sign-up to email
2) counter to show the build-up of support
3) Google map to show where the plot is and show other markers -like boundaries
4) video to update visitors

What I like about all this is that it shows that a campaign can be developed online as it happens - the main thing is to collect email addresses of interested supporters so you can take them on the journey as the campaign develops...

It's brilliant that Q&A has only been developed now - If GP waited for this document to be produced they would probably lose great number of sign-ups...

Obviously, this is not something that can be done if there isn't a clear urgency/topical appeal to the campaign. In that case anything that will motivate/persuade people is important...

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